Sesssion Chair RI2C2022

On behalf of the Scientific committee, 2022 Research, Invention, and Innovation Congress (RI2C 2022), we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your outstanding service as the chair of the Innovative Electricals and Electronics (iEE) session at RI2C 2022, held on 4–5 August 2022 through virtual platform.

We appreciate you making time. Looking forward for your cooperation for the promotion of professional research and innovation in the future as well.

Factors Influencing Digital Transformation Adoption among Higher Education Institutions during Digital Disruption


This research aims to apply confirmatory factor analysis to identify the digital transformation components for higher education institutions. The research sample consisted of 300 personnel from agencies within higher education institutions, which are higher education institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand that use the database system on educational quality assurance called Commission on Higher Education Quality Assessment online system (CHE QA Online). The selection was the result of multi-stage random sampling from 100 higher education instructions. The research tool was an online questionnaire form on factors influencing the success of information systems in the digital transformation for higher education institutions by 5-level rating scale based on the Likert’s scale. The result revealed that digital transformation factor consistent with empirical data (p-value = 0.860), which consist of 6 components: 1) Strategy 2) Process 3) Product/Service 4) People 5) Data) and 6) Technology. The research findings help higher education institutions prepare for the elements necessary for the institutional transformation to a digital organization.

Chanin Tungpantong, Prachyanun Nilsook and Panita Wannapiroon. (2022) Factors Influencing Digital Transformation Adoption among Higher Education Institutions during Digital Disruption. Higher Education Studies. Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022) ; pp.9-19.

IVUL Model: An Intelligent Learning Development Process


The purposes of this research study are to develop an intelligent virtual universal learning (IVUL) model and to evaluate its appropriateness. The study consisted of two phases. Phase 1 involved the development of the IVUL model for univer-sal learning. The conceptual frameworks and theories in the documents and re-search studies on universal design for learning, intelligent learning and virtual learning were studied by the researchers. All main components were then synthe-sised to design the IVUL model. This process can be divided into three main steps: engagement, representation, and action and expression. Each step has sub-steps: access, build and internalise. However, the details of these are dependent on the main steps. The second component is the intelligent learning process, an important process of the model that drives learners to automatically learn by themselves. Artificial intelligence is used as a crucial component that promotes and supports each learner to meet learning goals and objectives according to the universal learning model. The third component is the virtual learning process, which results in learning through computer environments and the Internet. Phase 2 involved an evaluation of the appropriateness of the IVUL model, with in-depth interviews with 20 experts in education and digital technologies. The appropriate-ness of the model was evaluated using the 5-point Likert scale. The findings show that the designed IVUL model can be used for learning development at the highest level.

Chaiyarak, S., Nilsook , P., & Wannapiroon, P. (2022). IVUL Model: An Intelligent Learning Development Process.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(14), pp. 39–51.

Multicultural Competency Training Model for Digital Publicists


The objective of this study is to develop and evaluate a multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. It is research and development which the researchers have divided the research process into 3 steps. Step 1: Developing a multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. Step 2: Evaluating the suitability of the developed multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. Lastly, step 3: Adapting a multicultural competency training model to developed digital publicists. Furthermore, the study found that the multicultural competence of digital publicists consisted of 4 competencies: 1) Digital Engagement Competency, 2) Dissemination Competency, 3) Facilitation Competency, and 4) Consulting Competency. Moreover, the results of the developed multicultural competency training model adaptation for digital publicists can be divided the assessment into 3 areas including, 1) Knowledge: the sample group has higher scores after training, 2) Skill: the sample group has the overall multicultural digital public relations skills at an excellent level, and 3) Attitude: overall, the sample group has a superb attitude.

Phudit Kannikar, Panita Wannapiroon and Prachyanun Nilsook (2022)
Multicultural Competency Training Model for Digital Publicists.
International Education Studies. Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022); pp. 140-149. (ERIC)

Higher Education Management to Digital Entrepreneurial University

Transform universities with digital technology drives changes in both operations. The procedures in accordance with the planned goal or long-term university development plan are in accordance with state policy guidelines. According to the national strategic plan, national economic and social development plan, long-term higher education plan, national development plan. The purpose of this research the content to propose the structural equation model for high performance digital entrepreneurial university. The research instituted the hypothesized digital transformation, entrepreneurial university, digital organization, enterprise architecture and high-performance organization. The research was conducted in both quantitative and qualitative survey and interview were conducted with 300 representatives were selected by cluster sampling working in the higher education institutions. The results of research the analysis of structural equation model found that the evaluation was consistent with the empirical data. The conclusions are as follows: (Chi-square=90.267 df. =75) (CMIN/DF = 1.204) (GFI =. 974) and (RMSEA =. 026). The results showed that all factors had a direct effect on the significant statistics of 0.001

Tippawan Meepung, Prachyanun Nilsook, and Panita Wannapiroon (2022).Higher Education Management to Digital Entrepreneurial University. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. May 2022. Vol.100. No 10.

Democratization of Information Technology Services for Higher Education Institutes

In the digitalization era, the role of Information Technology Services (IT Services) for Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) is driven by the demand for the use of such data and access to information. Nowadays, information is diverse and constantly transforming. An IT Service that meets the needs of academic users is therefore important. In this research, different patterns of information technology service are studied by synthesizing the democratization of information technology and IT Services, and by analyzing the components of the democratization of IT Services for HEIs according to international standards such as ITIL, COBIT5, and ISO 20000. This is followed by an evaluation of the democratization of IT Services for higher education institutes. The analysis of the democratization of IT Service for HEIs, this research finding to consist of eight components that develop the administration process. The optimum IT Service provided for HEIs and organizations is supporting the policy and the democratization of information technology also encourages academic management to increase competitiveness in strategic areas to achieve the objectives of institutes and organizations. It also develops the potential of academic institutes so that they can become superior to competitors in the business arena.

Chanita Sattaburuth and Prachyanun Nilsook (2022)
Democratization of Information Technology Services for Higher Education Institutes. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. May 2022. Vol.100. No 9. (SCOPUS)


ขอบพระคุณวิทยาลัยการฝึกหัดครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร ที่ให้เกียรติพิจารณาเสนอปริญญากิตติมศักดิ์ ครุศาสตร์ดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาคอมพิวเตอร์ศึกษา อันเป็นเกียรติยศแก่กระผมเป็นอย่างยิ่ง จะขอรักษาเกียรติแห่งปริญญากิตติมศักดิ์ให้สมฐานะดุษฎีบัณฑิตกิตติมศักดิ์ แห่งวิทยาลัยการฝึกหัดครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร สืบไป

Combining Online Learning with Gamification: An Exploration into Achievement, Motivation, and Satisfaction of the Undergraduate

Abstract—This research aims to develop online teaching plan through applying gamification. The results reveal learning performance, motivation, and satisfaction of the undergraduate towards the intervention. The sampling group is the undergraduate enrolling in Digital Literacy course in the second semester of the 2020 academic year of 154. The research tools consist of online teaching plan incorporating gamification, achievement test, motivation level evaluation form, and satisfaction survey of the undergraduate with this teaching plan. The results inform that the online teaching plan generates performance according to the specified 80/80 criteria. The learning performance of the undergraduate is significantly higher than that before the implementation of the online teaching plan incorporating gamification at .01. Learning motivation of the undergraduate is significantly different with the statistical level of .01. Also, the undergraduate is highly satisfied with online teaching applying gamification.

Jira Jitsupa, Mutita Takomsane, Sasanun Bunyawanich, Nualsri Songsom, and Prachyanun Nilsook, “Combining Online Learning with Gamification: An Exploration into Achievement, Motivation, and Satisfaction of the Undergraduate,” International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 643-649, 2022. (SCOPUS)

อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์ดีเด่น มจพ.


ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ปรัชญนันท์ นิลสุข
อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์ดีเด่น ประจำปีการศึกษา 2563
กลุ่มมนุษยศาสตร์ สังคมศาสตร์และการศึกษา

เรื่อง “การจัดการความสัมพันธ์นักศึกษาด้วยแพลตฟอร์มเอเจนต์สนทนาอัจฉริยะ
ให้ไว้ ณ วันที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2565

(ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สุพจน์ จันทร์วิพัฒน์)

“ธมฺโม หเว รกฺขติ ธมฺมจารึ” ธรรมย่อมรักษาผู้ประพฤติธรรม