คลังเก็บหมวดหมู่: Research

The Development of Agile Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions.


The rapid evolution of digital technologies has led to significant transformations in various industries, including higher education. This study explores the role of Agile Enterprise Architecture (AEA) in supporting digital transformation initiatives within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). AEA provides a flexible, adaptive, and iterative framework to manage the complex and dynamic nature of digital transformation. We conducted a qualitative study using a multiple case-study approach, investigating four HEIs that implemented AEA in their digital transformation initiatives. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and participant observation. We employed thematic analysis to identify the key factors contributing to the successful implementation of AEA in these institutions. Our findings revealed that AEA plays a crucial role in facilitating digital transformation by providing a holistic, systematic, and adaptive framework. The AEA approach enables HEIs to effectively manage the complexities of digital transformation, enhance their agility, and respond to changing stakeholder needs. Key success factors include strong leadership, effective communication, a skilled workforce, and a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. The study contributes to the understanding of AEA’s role in promoting digital transformation in higher education and offers practical implications for HEIs looking to leverage digital technologies for improved performance and stakeholder satisfaction. Further research is needed to explore the generalizability of these findings to other contexts and industries.

Sirinuch Sararuch, Panita Wannapiroon and Prachyanun Nilsook (2023)
The Development of Agile Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions.
Higher Education Studies. Vol. 13, No. 3 (2023) ; pp 69-83.

A Systematic Review of the Intelligent Digital Storytelling Process in Disseminating Health Information


Digital storytelling is a new concept in education that involves creating meaning. It is a tool with great potential, but in Thailand, it is currently not very popular in terms of sharing stories about disease. This review analyzes the components and processes of intelligent digital storytelling to aid the development of an intelligent digital storytelling platform for disseminating health information. Based on the synthesis of relevant documents, the research process involves 9 main steps: 1) identifying the review objectives, 2) reviewing research questions, 3) determining inclusion criteria, 4) finding relevant studies, 5) selecting documents, 6) data extraction, 7) arriving at a conclusion, 8) document synthesis and 9) discussion of the results. A study of articles from the PRISMA Checklist published between 2017 and 2022 revealed that ultimately only 47 articles met the inclusion criteria. From the analysis of the data, it was found that there are four main elements and 16 sub-components of intelligent digital storytelling. There are 12 steps in the process of intelligent digital storytelling with regard to health information dissemination. The optimal length of an intelligent digital narrative video clip relating to health information dissemination is approximately 2-5 minutes when it comes to achieving the best knowledge of health information.

Kawitsara Eambunnapong, Prachyanun Nilsook and Panita Wannapiroon (2023) A Systematic Review of the Intelligent Digital Storytelling Process in Disseminating Health Information.
International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, (2023), 200-223, 19(07).

Total learning experience (TLE) on the cloud with an intellectual repository to enhance digital empathy and literacy skills


The total learning experience (TLE) model on the cloud with an intellectual repository is a tool that can be employed to promote limitless self-learning by means of active learning. In this model, learners are encouraged to have real experiences and face challenges leading to the creation of new knowledge and enrichment of their existing knowledge. This model can also be applied in other contexts, which can be done by integrating the concepts of technologies and new platforms offering experience-based instruction to create new ways of instructional design. Moreover, the model can be utilised in the current instruction management approach that usually focuses on continuous learning with the aid of technology. The results of this research can be used as a guideline for the design and development of the TLE system using an intellectual repository, which encourages experiential learning and generates new knowledge through self-learning with the aid of digital technology. In addition, this kind of learning promotes the exchange of knowledge through on-line social networks, thus contributing to the development of digital empathy and literacy skills, and the creation of a learning society. © WIETE 2022.

Author keywords

digital empathy; intellectual repository; literacy skills; Total learning experience on the cloud

Chatwattana, P., Piriyasurawong, P., Nilsook, P., & Wannapiroon, P. (2023). Total learning experience (TLE) on the cloud with an intellectual repository to enhance digital empathy and literacy skills. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 24(3), 193-201.


Synthesis of Digital Fabrication Laboratory for Higher Education

Abstract:In this paper, the researcher would like to discuss the processes and components of Digital Fabrication Laboratory for higher education in order to create Digital Fabrication Laboratory for higher education. There are 2 steps of research procedures: 1. gathering information from articles and papers related to the processes and components of the Digital Fabrication Laboratory for higher education, and 2. analyzing and synthesizing the processes and components of Digital Fabrication Laboratory for higher education. The findings revealed that there were 4 processes of Digital Fabrication Laboratory: 1. design, 2. prepare, 3. fabricate, and 4. Assembly and installation. The 4 components of Digital Fabrication Laboratory were 1. hardware, 2. software, 3. material and 4. storage and simulator tools online.

S. Sopapradit, P. Nilsook and P. Wannapiroon, “Synthesis of Digital Fabrication Laboratory for Higher Education,”
2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT), Chongqing, China, 2023, pp. 120-124, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEIT57125.2023.10107847.

Career awareness linkage strategies to support learning career education and STEM education


This study analyzed the attributes and competencies for careers that correspond to STEM education to facilitate career awareness in early childhood and assessed the appropriateness of career awareness and career exploration through career education that supports STEM education. A number of methods were used to assess skills and competencies for early childhood children: Synthesizing existing research, interviews with well-known 12 people who have careers in STEM fields (e.g., psychologists, scientists, entomologists, physicians), and stakeholder analysis, and a career linkage strategy model. The findings indicated that the most important attributes and competencies for overall child development were the ability to recognize one’s own emotions, to form one’s attitude, to build one’s character, to develop one’s personality, and to learn competence that could form one’s identity and be used in a variety of situations. The career linkage strategy model is proposed for connecting each stakeholder to support children’s career learning. It connects schools, family, and other supports that could yield results in career awareness in early childhood children. The career linkage strategy model is a way of promoting the role of society in career learning in early childhood. It found that all sectors were important as they facilitated or affected career awareness in early childhood.

Nongluck Manowaluiloua and Prachyanun Nilsook (2023) Career awareness linkage strategies to support learning career education and STEM education. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 044, Issue 1, January 2023- March 2023, Pages 199-208.

Digital Learning Ecosystem Based on the STEAM Gamification Concept to Develop Innovator Characteristics of Vocational Learners


Developing the manpower to have completeness, including knowledge, skills, attitudes, morals, and ethics. It is an important foundation for the development of the nation for sustainable progress; as shown in the framework of the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan [1], which aims to develop human resources in all dimensions, and at all ages to become good, competent, qualified, ready for life in the 11th century; The STEAM Education is a model of learning management that focuses on integrating knowledge in the five sciences, namely Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics to create a comprehensive body of knowledge for learners; As for the learning process with the Gamification, it is the concept of organizing activities that will encourage learners to participate, create a good learning environment, and promote the characteristics of learners in working as a team, with the principle of the two concepts, if used in planning the development of learning management for vocational students, that focusing on professional skills development will help promote the potential of learners to meet the goals of effective manpower development; therefore, it is the origin of the development of digital learning ecosystems based on the STEAM Gamification concept to develop innovator characteristics of vocational learners, which play an important role in the development of the country, as a guideline for developing learners to have knowledge, skills, good attitude in working in the organization, or entrepreneurship in the future; it also promotes the lifelong learning characteristics of learners, from applying and utilizing the self-development process with the scientific and artistic thought processes that are possible to create innovations for solving problems and developing society and the nation in the future.

Kummanee, J., Nilsook, P., Piriyasurawong, P., Wannapiroon, P. (2023). Digital Learning Ecosystem Based on the STEAM Gamification Concept to Develop Innovator Characteristics of Vocational Learners. In: Auer, M.E., Pachatz, W., Rüütmann, T. (eds) Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 634. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26190-9_73

Gamers’ Total Experience and Game Motivation for Further Education Digital Manpower

Abstract—Digital Manpower is very necessary in Thailand today as the
growth of technology continues to increase. For example, tech giant Gartner has announced new technology trends every year including 2022, announcing the following technology trends: Total Experience, Composable Application, Decision Intelligence, Hyperautomation, Distributed Enterprises, Autonomic Systems, Generative AI, AI Engineering etc. The application of technology in daily life is increasing. The development of Digital Manpower is therefore very important in order to increase the knowledge and expertise of the country’s people
in technology. From the statistics, the country has increased internet usage in many ways. For example, from the statistics in 2021, Thai children playing games were number 1 in the world, and in 2022, Thai children playing games are in 2nd place in the world. But the problem faced with Thai education today is that children like to play games and think that they can study in the field of computers. But, in fact, students are not directed into the technology field taking into account their own aptitudes. causing the study to be not fully effective and some leave their courses midway. Therefore, this research is interested in the Confirmation factors of children playing games by collecting data on Gamers’ Total Experience and Game Motivation in order to analyze the data and discover the confirmation factors that direct the admissions to various computer disciplines. What direction and aptitude do you need to be able to enter a group of computer science disciplines in order to become a Digital Manpower in the country’s future development. The researcher has collected data from a sample of 630 people from all six groups in computer science. The confirmation factor was analyzed by
the LISREL program. It was found that each group of computer disciplines had different confirmation factors.

Pornpongtechavanich, P., Nilsook, P., & Wannapiroon, P. (2023). Gamers’ Total Experience and Game Motivation for Further Education Digital Manpower. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(05), pp. 62–78. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i05.36877

Enabling high performance digital manpower through higher education

ABSTRACT: This research aimed to synthesise the required competence of high-performance digital manpower for students in higher education. The study began with stating the problem, followed by a literature review to find core, congruous elements for a digital competence qualifications framework for undergraduates and digital manpower competence. It has been established that the competencies in terms of high-performance digital manpower for students in higher education consist of eight aspects as follows: 1) information retrieval and usage; 2) creativity and innovation; 3)identity and quality of life; 4) teaching or learning; 5) tools and technology; 6) communication and coordination;7)problem solving with digital tools; and 8) adaptive digital transformation. Guidelines for enabling high-performancedigital manpower involve enhancing digital educational competencies for higher education qualifications and developing a curriculum that allows students to use digital technology to perform their duties appropriately and efficiently.

Oraphan Amnuaysin, Prachyanun Nilsook & Panita Wannapiroon (2023).
Enabling high performance digital manpower through higher education.
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education.
Vol.21, No.1, 2023 ; pp 38-43.

Digital storytelling training kit for assessing depression risk for the elderly

This research aims to design and develop a mobile-learning training kit for assessing the depression risk of elderly Muslims using the spiritual dimension of human security. In this research, we compare the achievements before and after the training of village health volunteers using mobilelearning training kits in a simple, random way. The sample is divided into two groups: a sample of 30 individuals is used to determine the performance and the academic achievement of the mobilelearning training kit. In addition, 33 other people are used to assess user satisfaction with the mobile learning training kit. The research indicates that the design and development of the training kits
involving digital storytelling are characterized by two languages: Thai and Malay, consisting of 4 modules, with an efficiency of 81.56. In terms of achievement in a series of training sessions using the mobile-learning training kit, it was found that after training, the results were statistically significantly higher than before training at .05 and that the users’ satisfaction with the training kit was extremely high.

Keywords: mobile learning training kits; digital storytelling; depression risk; spiritual dimensions; Muslim Elderly

Katekeaw Pradit, Anong Phibral and Prachyanun Nilsook (2022)
Digital storytelling training kit for assessing depression risk for the elderly. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology.
(IJEDICT), 2022, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 173-190. (ERIC)

Virtual Board Games Platform

Abstract:The objectives of this study were to investigate the virtual board games and to evaluate the virtual board games compared to the physical board game. The results of this study indicated that the overall composition of a virtual platform was comparable to that of a physical board game. Especially for the functional aspect, experts agreed that the virtual board game was as convenient as or better than the physical board game while in other aspects, including the enjoyment aspect, the virtual board games can be used in the same way as the physical board games. On the other hand, the social aspect was a slightly inferior one.

C. Chukusol, P. Nilsook and P. Wannapiroon, “Virtual Board Games Platform,” 2022 Research, Invention, and Innovation Congress: Innovative Electricals and Electronics (RI2C), 2022, pp. 273-277,